Sash windows are a staple in British homes for many reasons. Though most people in the UK value them for their aesthetics and traditional charm, there’s one element that’s often overlooked that is nevertheless important – its durability. There are very few instances in which sash windows need to be replace. Usually, sash windows are constructed in such a way that any damage and decay can be repaired with the proper knowledge and tools.
Made to be repaired
In the vast majority of cases, sash windows can be restored nearly to their original form. With the right materials and sufficient skills, it is possible to repair sash windows in a way that brings their looks and functionality to a high level. If you are confident enough in your skills, it is possible to carry out some such repairs on your own, but DYI may be insufficient for more complex operations. In those cases, it’s best to contact a sash window specialist or carpenter to get the job done for you. Whether you need help with decaying timber, broken sash cords, damaged pulleys, or any other dilapidated parts that need replacing, you can never go wrong with help from a specialist. But how exactly does that translate to costs?
The costs
The prices will vary depending on the specialist you decide to hire. Because of this, the best course of action is to simply check your specialist’s price range. However, no matter who you hire, there are several types of damage, easily categorised into three price ranges. The cheapest one is the reconditioning of your window with the installation of new draught seals, as it involves the least amount of interference in the window’s structure. Replacing the double-glazed sashes to fit into existing frames is a bit more expensive, but still a relatively routine procedure. Finally, the most expensive sash window repair procedures involve the replacement of the entire box sash window, as it involves the greatest amount of work and number of materials.
If you’re looking for an efficient way to restore your sash windows to their former glory, it might be easier than you think. Though the costs are there, in most cases it’s still a cheaper option than completely replacing your window, helping you extend the life of your old sash windows and helping you get better value for your product.